Brandon Claybon | actor + creative + host

Brandon Claybon

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In Dallas – birthday weekend

This past weekend I celebrated my birthday with some of my cousins in Dallas, TX. We went to the Cowboys vs.Titans football game. I’m not a huge football fan….but this was one of the coolest ways to spend my birthday. Before the game we were outside the stadium tailgating and having a great time in the Texas heat. It definitely didn’t feel like Fall or mid-October. Being that a lot of my family is from Tennessee….they seemed to out number us (the Cowboys fans). But by the end of the game….I wanted to switch over to Team Titans, my home team. 🙂 I know….I know….such a fair-weather fan. Oh well.

Here are a few other pictures from the event. I’m headed back to Chicago…..I got some big gigs this week. I’ll keep you posted.

  • Michele Tooles | October 29, 2010

    Ms Daring loves your website and would appreciate if you take off the Cowboys jersey. LOL, keep up the hard work and making beautiful art with that face.

  • brandon | October 29, 2010


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