Brandon Claybon | actor + creative + host

Brandon Claybon

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2012 : New Year : Same Focus

Hey guys!!! As you can see this is my first post of the new year. After a long holiday vacation back home, I took most of January just settling into my LA routine (class, auditions, meetings and etc). It feels great to be back and on my hustle once again. Since I’ve been back I’ve already booked some work. In addition, my McDonald’s commercial got upgraded. Bascially, that means the client used my image from the “old” commercial and placed into a “new” commercial…..which is AWESOME! 🙂

In other news:

– I have started taking dance classes for hip hop. I am not a dancer….but if I have learned anything from the Michael Jackson Experience commercial I did last year is that I have a natural gift that I should continue to sharpen.

– Unfortunately my contract with Chosen Model Management (Chicago & Atlanta) has ended. The past two summers spent working in Chicago have been amazing….and I will never forget the people I met, the jobs I worked, and the experiences I had. I thank Chosen Models for giving me that opportunity and I wish them the best. I can still be booked for print work through NTA Talent (Los Angeles) and Kim Dawson (Dallas).

– New Site – Currently in the process of updating the website. Stay Tuned……